Marxist-leninistisk tidsskrift og nettmagasin

Living with war. I sitt nye album Living With War går veteranartisten Neil Young knallhardt ut mot krigspolitikken til George W. Bush og den økte undertrykkinga og overvåkinga av amerikanske borgere:

«Let's impeach the president for lying / and leading our country into war, abusing all the power that we gave him / and shipping all our money out the door . . .
Let's impeach the president for spying / on citizens inside their own homes / breaking every law in the country / tapping our computers and telephones.»

Det nye albumet Living with war kan høres på nettet.

Alle sporene på albumet handler om dagens krigerske USA, som bryter sine egne lover og idealer i kamp mot andre folk og USAs egne innbyggere. Nedenfor er teksten til låta «Shock and Awe».


Back in the days of shock and awe We came to liberate them all
History was the cruel judge of overconfidence
Back in the days of shock and awe

Back in the days of "mission accomplished"
Our chief was landing on the deck
The sun was setting on a golden photo op
Back in the days of "mission accomplished"

Thousands of bodies in the ground
Brought home in boxes to a trumpet's sound
No one sees them coming home that way
Thousands buried in the ground

Thousands of children scarred for life
Millions of tears for a soldier's wife
Both sides are losing now
Heaven takes them in
Thousands of children scarred for life

We had a chance to change our mind
But somehow wisdom was hard to find
We went with what we knew and now we can't go back
But we had a chance to change our mind.
Vi oppgraderer nettsidene. I en overgangsperiode kan det skje endringer i menybildet og det visuelle uttrykket. 

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