Two Decades in the Service of Revolution and Democracy

Since 1995 and to date, the journal Revolutionary Democracy (RD) has proved itself a most valuable resource for revolutionaries and Marxist-Leninists worldwide. The supplementary online edition is becoming an essential digital library for anyone interested in knowledge based on the scientific method and world outlook of Marxism-Leninism.

It is noteworthy that what is probably the best English historical documentary source in regard to important political and economical aspects of the former socialist Soviet Union, is issued in India. Besides presenting historical documents and profound theoretical analysis, RD also offers other parts of the world insight in the specific problems facing the workers, peasantry and the revolutionary movement on the Indian subcontinent. Moreover, RD plays an important role in making the documents from the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations available to a broader audience.

A great deal of time, talent, political commitment and endeavour is required to publish a regular journal of such standard. RD has appeared regularly throughout 20 years due to the indefatigable efforts of the editorial board, and especially those of the editor, Vijay Singh.

For this we are grateful, and have faith that RD will continue to educate and inspire the advancing forces of revolution and socialism for many years to come.

Norwegian Marxist-Leninist journal

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